Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, 2009

It's Saturday, Girls. While you're out doing things, hopefully with your family, don't forget the Lord and His goodness!

Today in Joshua 6, God gave Joshua very specific instructions, Joshua and the people followed them to the letter, and it worked! The walls of Jericho fell down and they took the city. "Took the city" actually sounds very tame and civilized. What they really did is rushed into the city through the fallen walls and slaughtered everything that breathed, with the exception of Rahab and the people in her house. Anything made of precious metal went to the Lord's tabernacle, and everything else was burned. It was a good thing Rahab had faith in God, or she and her family would have been killed too.

In Psalm 13, David was feeling like the Lord had forsaken him, but at the end of the psalm we find that he was still trusting in the Lord. A good lesson for us.

In Psalm 14, David was lamenting over all the fools that were in his land. We certainly have a lot of fools in our land today! Read this chapter for a good description.

Psalm 15 was more uplifting. This is a picture of who will actually get to live with God in His kingdom. This tells us exactly what we should be doing if we want God to be pleased with us.

Proverbs 14 is another treasure-trove of goodies. There are several verses in there about holding our tempers. Read it and see what else you find!

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009

Very interesting reading today, Ladies! By the way, did you know that in this blog, wherever you see a scripture reference that looks highlighted, it's actually a link? You can click it, and you will be redirected to where you can read that reference. It's pretty handy if you want to read but don't have a Bible with you.

Pretty painful stuff happening today in Joshua 5. Joshua and the Israelites are in Canaan now; the surrounding kings have heard about the river crossing and are afraid to mess with them, because they have God with them. Not just a god, but THE REAL, LIVING GOD. Now it's time to catch up on things, and all the men and boys have to be circumcised. Clear back to Abraham, this was God's way of separating his people unto Himself, and showing them to be different from everyone else. While they were wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years, all the circumcised men died off, and the people born during that time weren't circumcised. They got that done, and were all staying around the camp healing up.
At the end of the chapter, Joshua sees a man with a sword coming, so he goes out and asks if he's friend or foe. He's an angel, the Captain of the Lord's Host! Can you imagine? He must have been awe inspiring. Definitely not the sweet little angel depicted in the painting of the kids on the bridge with their guardian angel! Joshua, tough old warrior that he was, dropped to his knees and called himself a servant.

Psalms 10, Psalm 11, and Psalm 12 were short today. They give a good description of evil people and offer a prayer for deliverance from the wicked. We can see how the deeds of the wicked haven't changed much over the centuries.

Notice this in Psalm 11:5 - The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Does it say, His soul hateth violence? No. It doesn't. Look at that verse carefully. It says, "The wicked and him...", the Lord's soul hateth. Those are people, not just acts. Don't let anybody tell you the Lord loves everybody in the whole world. There are more references than this one that prove that there are actual PEOPLE that God hates.

Proverbs 13 is a wealth of good instruction. In verses 2 & 3 we see more about watching our mouth. Verse 4 has an admonition against lying. Verses 7 & 8 talk about how rich people can have all those things, but still have nothing. Verses 13 & 14 tell us why we should love God's word. And much more! Read it and see what you find.

* If you want to read a good book with some awesome warrior angels, and a great depiction of the spiritual warfare that goes on around us all the time, read This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009

I got caught up in stuff yesterday and did not do my reading. Shame on me! Back on track today!

Starting out in Joshua 3 & 4. What a great account! The Lord tells Joshua that He is going to start magnifying him, so the people will know God is with him, like they knew about Moses. Good thing for Joshua! What a job to lead such a large unruly group of people!
They have finally reached their destination: the land of Canaan. They have to cross the Jordan river, though, to get in, and the river is in its annual flood stage. God tells Joshua to have the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant into the river. When they do, the water splits, and all the water coming from upstream piles up in a heap! The priests stand in the middle on dry ground until all the people pass over, then the priests come out of the river, and as soon as they are out of reach, Whoosh, the river goes back to normal! Praise God! I love this story because scientists have gone to so much effort to say that when Moses led the people across the Red Sea the water didn't split and pile up like they show in the movie The Ten Commandments. They say it was really the Reed Sea and Pharaoh's army just got stuck in a lot of mud! Well, they can't disprove this one in Joshua, because it says plain as day that the water stood up in a heap! Take that, scientists!
After that they set up a memorial. Why? Chapter 4, verse 24: That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever.

In Psalm 7, David talks about how wicked his enemies are, but how God will protect him.

Psalm 8 is a psalm of praise, showing how the wonders of Creation all glorify their Maker.

Psalm 9 is another psalm of praise, showing God's strength and His mercy.

Proverbs 11 is full of good advice. Verses 12, 13, 16, 19, and 22 stand out to me, particularly today.

In Proverbs 12, we see more exhortation about our speech, and also some warnings about laziness (among plenty of other good stuff!)

Thank you for reading with me today! I hope the Lord blesses you greatly.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009

Good reading today, Ladies! I started in Joshua 2, where Joshua sent out the spies to scope out Jericho. They were found out and hid at Rahab's house. She helped them escape but the most important part is why she did it. She believed that our God is the only true God. We'll see the results of that when we get to chapter 6!

The Psalms were good today, too. Psalm 4 told me to be still, to be at peace, and trust in my God. Psalm 5 showed me God's treatment of the righteous contrasted with His treatment of the wicked. Psalm 6 reminded me of His mercies.

In Proverbs 10, I noticed many lessons pertaining to our speech. How the speech, the words, and the tongue of the righteous and the just differ from those of the wicked and the foolish. Good instruction for anyone, anytime!

I hope you will read with me. Feel free to post comments sharing what the Lord shows you in your reading.

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009

This morning I read Joshua 1, where the Lord reminded me that we are to be courageous, because we have Him looking out for us.

Then I read Psalm 1, 2 & 3 where the Lord reminded me that if we serve Him faithfully, He'll make sure we have everything we need. He also reminded me that He is our defender and also what He'll do to our enemies.

I finished up with Proverbs 9, which talks about dealing with scorners and also about foolish, adulterous women.

Very interesting reading today. It's nice how the Lord gives us what we need, just when we need it, and continuously teaches us.